Friday, June 26, 2009

Smooth Away

I don't usually buy "as seen on TV" products, however, I did buy the Smooth Away.

I was tired of plucking the inevitable chin and mustache whiskers that come with age.
I have to say, I am impressed. I used it on my legs, underarms, mustache and chin.

I have not had to shave under my arms or my legs for over a week. The mustache is gone. The only place that it doesn't seem to work well is on my chin. It removes the hair but it is back within a couple of days.


Feisty Crone said...

I saw this on television the other day. I'm going to order so me! Thanks!

Tammy said...

It is sold at Walmart. There are a couple of end caps on the frontend of our store with "as seen on TV" products and I have to go by it several times in a shift. I kept saying I wanted to try it and then forgetting. I finally remembered a couple of weeks ago.

I'm pleased with it.

Rose DesRochers said...

Don't you hate those chin hairs.

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